Whenever you connect the Internet to your computer, then your internet data will start dying very soon, this is because the Windows automatic update setting is on, due to which Internet data becomes very expensive.
You get some new features due to the update of Windows, but when your windows is updated, then your internet data will cost a lot and at the same time your system processing will also be slow or it will be something when you turn the system on or off. The process will start which will make you fed up, so always keep Windows update off when you feel that you should update windows now, then you can update windows by turning it on.
How to switch windows automatic update to the three operating system versions of windows. These three operating systems are very popular, followed by Windows 10. Very few people use Windows 8, but I will tell you to turn off windows automatic updates in all three versions.
What is a control panel?
When you are doing any setting on your computer, you will have to open the control panel. Do you know what is a control panel? If not, then I tell you nothing.
The Control panel is a panel from where we can change all the settings of our computer. In other words, a control panel is an option from where we can give different instructions to our computer on how to work.
If you use the Windows operating system, then to change all the settings of your computer, you must open the control panel. The control panel simply means that the panel from where we can control our computer. Control means to run in your own way or to control yourself.
How to off automatic update in windows 8?
If you use Windows 8 and you want that your windows are not always updated, then you have to follow the steps given below:
First step: First start your computer, then open the control panel on your computer. To open the control panel, first, click on the Start button and then click on the control panel on the right side.
Second step: Now many options will be open in which you have to click on System and Security.
Third step: Now after that again many options will be open in which you have to click on Turn automatic updating on or off inside the Windows update area.
Fourth step: Now after that within the Important updates area, select Never check for updates (not recommended). After that, click on Ok at the bottom.
Congratulations! You have turned off windows automatic updates on your computer.
How to off automatic updates in Windows 10?
Many new users will not know how to turn off automatic update in windows 10 because simple option like windows 8 is not provided in windows 10. This has been done because Microsoft has announced that no version of the windows operating system will be launched after Windows 10, whatever new feature add will be updated in Windows 10.
Now many laptops have windows 10 operating system inbuilt which remains the original windows 10. Therefore, the option of update has been given in it so that the system of people does not have automatic update off and new features will be automatically added to their system when windows is updated.
But if you are using windows 10 and you want to save your Internet data from being spent more, then you have to turn off windows automatic update.
First step: To start Windows automatic update off, first start your computer, then open the control panel on your computer. Control to Panel Open Start or click on the button and then Control Panel Search Ad |
Second step: Now after opening the control panel, select Large in the category at the top right.
Third step: Now after that click on the first option Administrative Tools.
Fourth step: now than before you have a lot of option open to you with Services to double click on That Means Services to open the |
Fifth step: Now after that, a pop-up box will open in which you have to right-click on Windows update by scroll down and then click on Properties.
Sixth step: Now after that, a new pop up box will open in which Disabled is to be selected in front of Startup type and after that, if Running is written in front of Service status, then click on Stop and then click Apply and then Ok.
Congratulations! You have turned off windows automatic update in your Windows 10 operating system, now your system processing will be a bit faster than before.
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