Apple has also rolled out its new MacBook Air with the new iPad Pro. Apple has also supported the Magic Keyboard in the new MacBook Air like the iPad. Apart from this, Apple claims that the new MacBook Air will get double CPU performance and 80 percent faster graphics.
MacBook Air has been introduced in 256GB of storage, which is priced at Rs 92,900. The MacBook Air has a 13-inch Retina display and a Touch ID for login that will also work in online shopping. Apart from this, the trackpad has also been provided in the MacBook and there is a day-long claim about the battery.
MacOS Catalina will be available in MacBook Air. Video editing software will also be available in it. Apart from this, the new MacBook Air will get a 10th generation Intel i7 processor with a maximum speed of 3.8GHz. It has Intel Iris Plus graphics.
Along with the new MacBook Air, a new Magic Keyboard has also been introduced, which is just 1mm thin. Its body is made of 100% reusable aluminum. The new MacBook will be available in Air Gold, Silver and Space Gray color variants. It has 256 GB of inbuilt storage and support for 2TB SSD. It has three mikes, three Thunderbolt ports, 6K display support, wide stereo sound support.
Along with the new MacBook Air and iPad Pro, a new version of the Mac Mini has also been introduced. The new Mac Mini will get up to 256 GB and 512 GB storage, whose prices are Rs 74,900 and Rs 1,05,900 respectively.
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